Steam Crane
Steam Crane 24080
Vehicle Name / Number(s): 24080
Build Year: 1955
Builder: Thomas Smith & Sons, Rodley
Status: stored
Max Lifting Capacity: 5 tons
Jib Length: 45 feet
Powertrain: steam
This was one of two steam cranes in use by Jeffries of Avonmouth until early 1980. Following negotiations the crane was offered to use and was bought at the end of 1980, with transportation being arranged in December. The crane jib had to be separated from the main body of the crane to enable this move to happen. The crane has a five tons lifting capability, and has been invaluable for moving items of permanent wat and other items around. It also proved to be an attraction in its own right as an interesting vehicle, with a recognisable whistle.
Unfortunately after a considerable amount of work in its restoration, maintenance and general use, the boiler of the crane was condemned as needing replacing. As such this crane is currently stored until a suitable source of funds can be raised.
The safe working Loads are as follows:
16 foot radius - 5 ton
22 foot radius - 3 ton
28 foot radius - 2 ton
40 foot radius - 1 ton
46 foot radius - 10 cwts