Plasser Minima MkII no.74100
Vehicle Number(s): 56205
Build Year: 1978
Builder: Plasser
Works Number: 74100
Previous owner: British Railways
Status: operational
Max Speed: 10 mph
Weight: 3800kg
Powertrain: Hatz E780 Air Cooled, 2 cylinder, 4-stroke diesel engine

74100 was one of two unique prototype tampers built by Plasser in 1974 for British Railways before being preserved by AVR.
A tamper is an engineering vehicle that is able to lift the track under it and then force ballast into any voids under the track. This keeps the rails level and reduces wear and tear on both the vehicles that run on it, and the track itself.
74100 is mainly used in the winter months when track work is undertaken, and as such is quite elusive for those wanting to see it.